Blue Rooms – SHOP THE LOOK


I am finally feeling hopeful about the possibility of having people over to the house this summer. It is like a heavy blanket is being lifted!

I really feel like my home needs a refresh to celebrate. Maybe just a few little things, maybe a few large pieces. I am actually taking on a handful of new clients just this week with the same mind set.

In honor of new beginnings, I wanted to share some inspirational shop the look design boards with you. The items are affiliate links, which does not affect your price at all but might result in a small commission if you purchase with the link…and I mean small, like a cup of coffee and a muffin:) Thanks for supporting my creative blog posts!

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I have a feeling that you might be excited too? For the first time in over a year, I will soon have my best friend and her daughter over for tea. Nothing too fancy just herbal tea and cookies but in 2019, this seemed so ordinary but now, I appreciate it on a different level.

Here are few smaller pieces that even on their own, make an impact.

The rattan tray is one of my favorites. It is almost 24″ in diameter. Perfect for serving or placing on top of a coffee table or ottoman.

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I am loving the dramatic wall color in this dining room by Ballard Designs. I included a few links to shop the pieces.

Ballard Designs has beautiful blue and white vases too! There are so many different ones to choose from on their website but I liked these three together – links below.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like to collaborate on a design project in your home!

1 + 11 =

What is Grandmillennial Style?

What is Grandmillennial Style?


When I first heard the decorating term Grandmillennial Style, I had no idea what it was. I looked it up and I was like, whoa – a flashback to traditional style but definitely reinterpreted. Antiques, rattan, wicker and florals and color but fresh and more fun.

This interior design style is not stuffy and maybe even slightly preppy. Bring in the crystal chandeliers, wicker, blue and white china but mix in pops of bright colors and clean lined pieces.




At first glance, you might think the style is formal but really, with all the color and pattern, it is quite playful!

Added benefit – rooms with pattern and color tolerate family life and wear better than rooms than those with a neutral pallette.


Fresh and Happy!



This decor style uses lots of blue, white and green. Blue and white china? Check. A touch of leopard print? Check. Dark wood antiques sprinkled throughout? Check.



What a beautiful dining room – a gorgeous antique wood buffet BUT then the wallpaper, mirror and accessories are fresh and colorful.

What’s not to love? The Pandemic has us spending more time at home, cooking real food. Many of us are dreaming of future dinner parties and having a beautiful dining room to host them in.


Vintage style with a fresh and happy color palette!

Nest Obsessed Interiors Design - Grandmillennial Style Quiz

With Grand Millennial Style, you see lots of wallpaper being used. Even better if it is Chinoiserie. Isn’t this beautiful? Then that pop of fresh green on the glass lamp and that antique chest.


Grandmillennial Style can be dramatic but still fresh. Look at this gorgeous room below. The blue and white pieces and florals pop against the grass green walls. Notice the leather sofa, even though it is an earth tone it fits right into this cheerful color scheme. 


Vintage touches but with fresh fashion flair. Classic and hip with a bit of sass!


I have grouped the Grand Millennial Style into 3 Refinements: Fresh, French and Eclectic.

Want to see which one you are? Click on the image below to take the interior design STYLE QUIZ!


I would love to help you design and create the Grand Millennial Room of your dreams! Let’s work together!

I offer virtual interior design services to my clients all over the USA. I have a streamlined online interior design process that is efficient and fun!




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Living Room Decor Refresh – Click and Shop

Living Room Decor Refresh – Click and Shop


Have you thought about working with a virtual interior designer to refresh your living room decor?

I thought it would be fun to show you the process of a typical virtual interior design project for a living room!



Recently, a client emailed me asking if I could help them and sent me a photo of their room. They moved into their new home – a year ago – and life has been so busy the living room is still just as it was the day they moved in.

Not bad at all but plain and unfinished. They want to know if we can possibly work together virtually online to design their living room space.

What is the next step?


Booking a free discovery call is a great way to see if we are a good fit to work together. No pressure, just a chat to talk about what you are hoping to accomplish with your room design-wise and how my virtual interior design process works.

It is truly a collaboration process. We share inspiration decorating photos on Pinterest and then gather measurements for a floor plan. After a custom design questionnaire is completed, I deliver the Concept Board to show how all the selections will look in the room. 


A beautiful interior space is all about coordinating colors, shapes and textures. A beautiful rug, coordinated pillows, a pouf, lighting, art, a plant and a throw and the room comes to life!




Want to SHOP this look?

Click on the images below.

Please know that these are affiliate links. This means I may get a small commission when you shop via this link. It does not affect your price at all but it does help support my creation of blog posts like this one. The commission amount is small, maybe covers a cup of coffee (and a muffin) but still, it is a good thing! Thank you!

 Click on the images below to shop!

(The links are live today but things don’t stay in stock long, so if you are interested, go for it:)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. Have a wonderful and beautiful day!!




Maybe this room design is not your style? Message me and we can talk about a custom design with your colors and style!

I love creating rooms that are the style my client wants. I am creatively flexible. 


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How Much Does It Cost To Decorate A Living Room?

How Much Does It Cost To Decorate A Living Room?

An important question to ask before starting a design project is, “What is the budget?” It can be a hard question to answer and many times my clients are not sure what a reasonable budget really is.

I thought this would be a good topic to blog about and explore a little bit deeper.

Before I begin designing for a client, I always ask about budget. A budget number lets me know where to shop for your items and where to trim back. This way, we can get the most “bang for your buck.”



Of course, you could do it all DIY and garage sales and come in on a shoe string. However, I am going to discuss the costs for furnishing a room with new items. Most of my clients have not designed and decorated an entire room before – start to finish.


One thing I know for sure is, things add up quickly! I can mention an average number and to most people it sounds high. But when you actually look at a list of items, it soon makes sense.

So, I went ahead and created 3 price points to consider: low, medium and high for an average sized living room.

How much does it cost to decorate a living room?

Decorating Budgets:



See? That added up fast!

The Low Design Budget above is shopping places like Wayfair, Target, IKEA, World Market, etc. If you know what to look for, you can find some fun and interesting pieces without breaking the bank. Of course, it could be less if you already have a good quality sofa and just need to add other pieces. 



A Medium Design Budget means you want to invest a little more in the key pieces that get the most use, so a good quality sofa – maybe from a company like Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel.   shop where you like to shop, so let me know if there is a sofa you have in mind already. Maybe you want more art and accessories too.



A High End Budget means you definitely want quality pieces and possibly something really on trend, like possibly a coffee table from Studio McGee, a sofa from Restoration Hardware or a rug from Serena and Lily. Overall, the room will be really well appointed from top to bottom with quality, designer look pieces. Of course, this number can go sky high easily but only if you give me the green light, haha!


I hope this helps when you are considering how much to spend on your next decorating project.

Where I come in: I help you sort through all the options that are out there. (So many options!) I help you find a look that feels like you and is functional and on budget. I know where to find the look you want for a good price. 

I am looking at all the details: scale, style, finishes, colors and then together we make smart decisions.

When I work with clients virtually, an important part of my process is a floor plan to make sure everything fits in your space. I also create a custom design questionnaire for every project to really dive deep to discover your true style.

Please read more about my virtual design services here:


Thank you for reading my blog post. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or set up a Discovery Call. I’d love to hear from you!

Check out a few of my current favorite picks below. If you click to shop, please know that these are affiliate links which means if you purchase, I might get a small commission but this does not affect your price at all. I really appreciate you shopping with these links and supporting my blog posts. Thank you!

Nest Obsessed | Interior Design & New Construction Design by Claudia Hardy

Feel free to PIN any

of the images in this post. 


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Tips for Choosing The Perfect Area Rug

Tips for Choosing The Perfect Area Rug

Years ago I worked in an interior design showroom that sold rugs. All the rugs were hung on racks so they were easy to shop and we had TONS of them.

People would come all over the area to shop (bringing their fabric and paint samples) since they new we had a huge selection to choose from. I loved helping customers choose the perfect rug. I learned many things when I worked there but most importantly that the right rug can absolutely transform a room!


The right colors in a rug can be a beautful thing. See how the rug in the above photo “talks” to the other colors in the room and ties everything together?


The rug above really “grounds” the space. It ties in the colors of the woods and fabrics in the room and makes everything feel cohesive. A darker rug like this gives a cozy look but the vibrant color pops in it keep it from feeling heavy. 

If you have children, pets or messy husbands (no judgement) then definitely consider an indoor / outdoor rug made of polypropelene. This fiber wears so well and many of them are relatively soft too. You can easily clean with a damp rag and literally, once in a while take them in the yard and hose them off!

As far as sizing, larger is usually better. I like at least the front feet of seating furniture to be on the rug. Leave some of the floor showing around the edges, at least 3 inches.

In a room with wall to wall carpet, almost always, you need an area rug. It will help to visually ground and “connect” the furniture. There are special rug pads for area rugs on wall to wall carpeting that help it stay in place.


Below are a few of my favorites from Boutique Rugs! As you know I often decorate in neutrals with pops of blue. It is one of my most requested color pallettes from clients.

If you click to shop, please know that these are affiliate links which means if you purchase, I might get a small commission but this does not affect your price at all. I really appreciate you shopping with these links and supporting my blog posts. Thank you!


Click on the Image Below to go to the “Shop Page”




When I work with clients virtually, an important part of my process is a floor plan to make sure everything fits in your space. I also have a design questionnaire to make sure the design is not only your style but works functionally.

Read more about my virtual design services here:

Thank you for reading my blog post. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or set up a Discovery Call.

Take Care:)

Best, Claudia


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Everything You Need to Design Your New Home Office

Everything You Need to Design Your New Home Office

The year 2020 has made the home office one of the most important rooms in the house.

Most of us are working from home to some degree and chances are we are sharing the space with family members.

Sure, you can use your laptop on the dining table. However, now we are seeing that this working from home thing might go on a bit longer than we initially thought. A new office might be just what you need. 

This blog post contains beautiful selections and affiliate links from one of my favorite companies, Ballard Designs. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, I make a small commission. This does not affect your purchase price in any way but it does support my creation of shoppable blog posts like this one. Thanks for your support.


This desk above is perfect for creating a “pocket office”. It can easily fit in a living room or family room and when closed it looks like a pretty cabinet. Then when you are ready to work, flip the top down. The bottom drawer is a file cabinet.

Download the shopping list below.


Bottom center drawer is a file cabinet!


Great news!

Everything you see above is available for purchase. Just click to download the shopping list below.


Download a Clickable Shopping List

By the way, this is exactly how virtual (edesign) projects work. All custom projects come with a concept board and clickable shopping list.

Below is a 3d rendering I created for a project.


This is another office design using deeper blues and a larger desk and file cabinet. Such a calming color pallette. Shopping list can be downloaded below.


Download a Clickable Shopping List

When I work with clients virtually, an important part of my process is a floor plan to make sure everything fits in your space. I also have a design questionnaire to make sure the design is not only your style but works functionally. 

Read more about my virtual design services here:

Thank you for reading my blog post. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or set up a Discovery Call.

Take Care:)

Best, Claudia

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