The year 2020 has made the home office one of the most important rooms in the house.
Most of us are working from home to some degree and chances are we are sharing the space with family members.
Sure, you can use your laptop on the dining table. However, now we are seeing that this working from home thing might go on a bit longer than we initially thought. A new office might be just what you need.
This blog post contains beautiful selections and affiliate links from one of my favorite companies, Ballard Designs. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, I make a small commission. This does not affect your purchase price in any way but it does support my creation of shoppable blog posts like this one. Thanks for your support.

This desk above is perfect for creating a “pocket office”. It can easily fit in a living room or family room and when closed it looks like a pretty cabinet. Then when you are ready to work, flip the top down. The bottom drawer is a file cabinet.
Download the shopping list below.

Bottom center drawer is a file cabinet!
Great news!
Everything you see above is available for purchase. Just click to download the shopping list below.
Download a Clickable Shopping List
By the way, this is exactly how virtual (edesign) projects work. All custom projects come with a concept board and clickable shopping list.
Below is a 3d rendering I created for a project.

This is another office design using deeper blues and a larger desk and file cabinet. Such a calming color pallette. Shopping list can be downloaded below.
Download a Clickable Shopping List
When I work with clients virtually, an important part of my process is a floor plan to make sure everything fits in your space. I also have a design questionnaire to make sure the design is not only your style but works functionally.
Read more about my virtual design services here:
Thank you for reading my blog post. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or set up a Discovery Call.
Take Care:)
Best, Claudia
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