Virtual Design
Furniture Floor Plan
More than one room to layout?
Message me and I will create a special group price for you.

Open concepts are additional.
This package is perfect if you have furniture but just need to know the best layout for the space. Also great for knowing if a new piece you want to buy is going to fit or if you want to create a plan for moving into a new house and give it to the moving crew!
What’s included in the E-Design – Furniture Layout / Floor Plan Package:
- Secret Pinterest Board Collaboration – if needed to show links to furniture you have or are purchasing.
- Online messaging about the project
- Note: no selections or concept board with this package
- One Furniture Floor Plan for One Room
- 30 Day Project Follow Up
We will collaborate and I will design your floor plan entirely online.
Communication takes place using email, Pinterest and computer design software program. The design process typically takes 2 weeks.
Please note, this e-design package is not for kitchens and bathroom designs. Kitchens and bathrooms are considered custom projects and although they can be done via e-design, we need to discuss your project and custom pricing, please contact me before purchasing. Cancellation and refund (please advise in writing via email) of a project is permitted within 48 hours of payment, after that I do not offer refunds. The pricing is for one room floor plan only and does not include actual selections. Price does not include open concept spaces. Dining/ living room areas are priced separately.
Have Questions About
My Design Services?
Send me an email and let’s talk!